Have we seriously come to the point where any form of physical contact is considered bad? Has anyone see Demolition Man, where they didn’t allow such a thing? The world was turned into a giant wimp world. Kids need to learn how to act properly and simply telling them no does not give them that opportunity, not to mention the studies showing how much people need physical contact.
This is another example of how stupid we are becoming as a scociety, people get hurt, people feel bad it happens part of life is learning how to deal with it properly we can not have a world that doesn’t offend anyone and still have freedom.
Va. Schools No-Contact Rule Is a Touchy Subject – washingtonpost.com
One response to “This is insane!!!”
If the people of Virginia allow this to stand they deserve the results that will come from an entire generation that isn’t allowed to have human contact. The first child punished under this new rule will spark a court case and we will see if the VA courts are full of idiots as the school system seems to be…
The victims here are the kids who’s parents and teachers can’t train a child in the way they should go.