Looking ahead to the New Year


Almost three years ago I made a new year’s resolution to read the Bible cover to cover I assumed it would take me an entire year, because that is what all the plans I found online say, but it only took me nine months. The following year I asked Dale to Join me and we created the Bible forum, which is now defunct, and we read through the Bible with several of our friends it was great because I got to hear several different views on things that I may not have thought about personally.

This year I plan to read through the Bible again and I ask you to join me. I am still deciding on the details but it will be a one year plan, perhaps cover to cover, perhaps chronologically, perhaps a mix of old and new testament. But if you are a Christian I implore you to read God’s word and make it a focus of your life in the coming year. Here is a past post from Dale Sackrider on reading the Bible that may help you understand where I am coming from.


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