Through The Bible: the Middle of the Beginning

Through The Bible: the Middle of the Beginning

One thing that stood out to me some time ago in reading Genesis regarding the tradition of building an altar at a place where God speaks to you, much like Jacob did at Bethel. It seems to me that almost every time God did something signifigant in the life of our forefathers they built an altar as a marker in their lives. This blog has become my series of altars, when God speaks to me I make note of it here and I can come back to it to remind myself of what God has spoken to me. Whether you do it on a blog, or in a journal, I believe everyone should keep track of those things God speaks to you.

There are so many lessons from the book of Genesis and the one I have learned is you should NOT to business with family. Jacob goes to family to find a wife and the trickster becomes the tricked. He worked his butt off for seven years to marry Rachel only to wake up in the morning to Leah, the ugly one. He marries Rachel the same week but is committed to working another seven years.

Genesis 34 is one of my favorite stories the entire Bible. I used to use it all the time to show young men that there are interesting stories in the Bible. They slaughter the entire tribe of the man who raped their sister, which I can fully understand. Although Jacob condemns their actions immediately as well as on his death bed. The tribe of Levi becomes the priesthood of all Israel.

The story of Joseph shows us a great deal about a God who deals with dreams. The scripture makes it clear that God even gave Pharaoh the dream that Joseph interpreted, which would mean that God is even giving dreams to unbelievers. Some time ago I began to keep track of my dreams, everyone that I could remember. I am sure that not every one of them has significance but I believe at least one was God speaking to me and I want to always want to be able to look and see if God was using a dream to speak to me.

4 responses to “Through The Bible: the Middle of the Beginning”

  1. I’ve never considered a blog like that, but it is very true. Any piece that you can look back and see what God has done is a significant part of your life. Whether or not you remember to look at it.

    I stick to paper, I haven’t moved on to the technological age yet, that or i’m a little to nervous to let other people know how I really feel.

  2. Tiney’s Comment:

    “The thing that aways struck me about Biblical altars was their importance for future generations. An altar wasn’t just so you would have a reminder about what God did for you, but so you could point to it and tell your children about God’s faithfulness for Generations.

    Can’t you just see Joseph traveling back and forth between Egypt and the homeland visiting family. He gathers young Manasseh in his arms and points to a hilltop and says, “You see that rock altar there. Your Grandfather Jacob built that to worship and show gratitude to God. He was very afraid of his Brother Esau and feared death when he returned from exile. But God blessed him and caused Esau to show favor to him. He built that altar because he never wanted us to forget how God protected him.”

    I imagine the famine that young Manasseh experienced was far less frightening knowing that his family served the God that protected and blessed Grandfather Jacob.”

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