Best of //Godfidence 2008

I thought I would drop a list of my favorite posts of the year as well as the “Reader’s Choice.”  Take some time to look them over won’t you.

Jason’s Favs:

  1. Pride again rears its head. — I enjoyed this post because it gave me some insight on my personality and I hope has really helped me in my relationships with others, I know it has with my wife.
  2. Wow, answer to prayer! — This is just a good praise to God for answering prayer.
  3. The Parable of the Soils — This was another personal revelation and I wrote two posts on it although one is personal I believe it is still affecting me.
  4. Studies in Words — This was a great book by CS Lewis that I attempted to review.  It was just a great experience.
  5. First Among Equals — This was an addendum to my Biblical Leadership series, it makes the list because it was an example of what I wrote about in “Pride”(above)
  6. Biblical Church Leadership — This was fun to research and fun to read because I was able to learn for myself and look into a topic that has been much debated.
  7. Suburban Missionary — I wish I would have kept up with this series, not because of the writing but because I want to reach out with the Gospel to those around me.
  8. Community: a synchroblog — It was fun to take part in a synchro blog and this was a topic I care about.
  9. Being an Abba — This has been a great thought as I attempt to raise my daughters in the admonition of the Lord.
  10. Tribal Culture — I still haven’t had time to read the books some readers recommended on this one but I am still thinking about it.
  11. Could our financial woes be good for the Gospel? — Just some thoughts to put a good spin on the troubles we are facing.  I am not the only one thinking it

Reader’s Choice — Most Popular based on comments and number of times read, and some other factors.

  1. Rob Bell’s Trampoline
  2. Book Recommendations
  3. Through the Bible: Conquerors
  4. Suburban Missionary
  5. Biblical Church Leadership
  6. Community: a synchroblog
  7. Friday Videos: Global Warming
  8. Pagan Christianity
  9. Suburban Missionary: Friend of a Friend
  10. Pirates? Are you serious?

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