I have written extensively on things about Christmas in the past, I have my issues with the holiday and I love it at the same time.
I have relaxed my view on Santa, I don’t tell my daughter about him because I have constantly told her that I don’t lie to her. I don’t want her to be confused about what this Holiday is all about, it is about the Advent of Jesus. Grandparents and friends may talk about Santa but she won’t here that out of my mouth.
The only thing I hold the line for is the idea that “If you aren’t good, you won’t get any presents.”
Christmas is about the single greatest undeserved gift in all of history, we give to one another not because we deserve it but to remind each other that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.” And he did it despite the fact that we don’t deserve it, and can’t behave well enough (which is kind of the point of the gift to begin with.)
For Christmas we have begun several traditions, this year we are going through doing something special on each night of advent. Our family worship time is pointing to the coming of Christ. Each night our we read a story of our redemptive history and decorate an ornament for out advent tree. And each night the girls get to open a door on their advent calendar.
I hope that in these little ways we can honor God with this season instead of creating little consumer monsters.