Abraham and Isaac

This week we covered some very familiar ground if you have ever tried to read the Bible before or if have attended church on a regular basis.

Of course as I mentioned before and as some of you agreed it is difficult to read familiar texts without taking them for granted.

As I have said this year I am attempting to see Christ in the old testament more than I ever have and the story of Abraham and Isaac is one that I am trying to look at things differently.

Most of the time when I have heard this passage preached it is about the obedience of Abraham and his willingness to give up his only son (which the Bible calls his him even though there is another son).  However I also wanted to look at the willingness of Isaac.  Did he know what was going on?  He asks but was it a rhetorical question?  Sure he carried the wood for his own sacrifice just like Jesus but is he a type of Jesus because after all he wasn’t sacrificed.

I think the ram in the thicket was the best analog of Christ because it provided by God in order to save Isaac just as Christ’s sacrifice saves us.

Thank you Lord for providing your own son to save me from my sins.

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