- Just flipping through 614 mag and suddenly realized "I know that guy" congrats to P. Tepper on his write up. http://bit.ly/bUVMgI #
- Who could possibly not see this coming? Oh yea the people who brought you Health Care Reform. http://bit.ly/aOhCO8 #
- Does anyone know if there is a theological version of the open course ware consortium? #
- Watching a middle school track meet makes me think of a time long ago #
- Is it just me or does the weekend weather always seem worse than the work week weather? #
- Forget Follow Friday if you are following @XIANITY you are missing some funny stuff. #
- Thanks for the encouragement on my new article everyone. If you missed it you can still check it out here. http://bit.ly/8YU89n #
- My svp just called our miraculous bra the 'bait and switch bra' #
- RT @XIANITY: CHURCH: While visiting Presbyterian service, Pentecostal realizes too late “Stop Drop & Roll” sign is not worship instruction. #
- I just got some FREE music from The Riverside Worship Project. You can download here: https://www.noisetrade.com/theriversideworshipproject #
- I have never been so happy it was Friday. #
- Do you think the legal drinking age should be 18? #
- Interesting conversation on drinking age, if anyone is interested http://bit.ly/a40feg #
- Bible flavored ramble-tastic ridiculousness — my new favorite phrase from @prodigaljohn #
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