- Watch out everyone your facebook is at it again and information may not be as private as you would like. http://bit.ly/9231AK #
- How to understand Home school parents if you aren't one a primer http://bit.ly/aNcK2u #
- Please people spell check your education protest signs http://bit.ly/ajfEn2 #
- Isn't it strange that the people most opposed to church discipline are also the most up set that the church is full of hypocrites. #
- RT @XIANITY: BREAKING NEWS: God has message for folks overly concerned about what you should wear to church “I can see through your clothes” #
- Listening to Nirvana unplugged (Maybe the greatest album of all time) #
- RT @RaeWhitlock: More than amused that an earthquake actually did hit on "Boobquake" day. — Me too man me too. #
- shouldn't apple be allowed to discriminate against any apps they want? It is their world; their rules. Don't buy apple if you don't like it #
- looks like the world adult kickball association is coming to Cbus. Anyone want to put a team together? #
- Zoe is 2 today. 16 more year to go… #
- Why do I feel guilty when I go to the flower shop? Maybe because a woman actually asked "What did YOU do?" Well I LOVE MY WIFE!!! #
- Is #LOST going to start making sense any time soon? I am only two shows behind but I still don't see where it is going. #
- When will they understand it isn't a zero sum transaction? "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money" -Pres. Obama. #
- Get paid six figures to look at porn for a living… http://bit.ly/dz8Bhc #
- RT @ErikKoliser: "Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens & deepens with our years." -Charles H. Spurgeon #
- Finally caught up to #LOST WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?!?!?!?!?! #
- RT @XIANITY: BREAKING NEWS: Mysterious book found in church basement actually something called a "hymnal". #
- Gotta a hot date tonight!!! Goin out for sushi then hanging out @veritascolumbus. #
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