Sometime in the near future in Indonesia three Christians will be executed by firing squad; what is their crime? Attempting to convert Muslim children to Christianity. This shouldn’t be so surprising hey have been here before and Jesus warned us things like this would come again. What makes the issue worse is that at the same time they have already released Abu Bakar Bashir, Abu Bakar Bashir, 68, had served 26 months for conspiracy in the 2002 Bali bombings, which killed 202 people in the world’s most populous Muslim nation. So, yes you understand correctly, they are letting a terrorist walk and executing the Christians.
However, I do not actually want to make this a political article, what would I do? If I faced the police when I ministered instead of the occasional angry parent, what would I do? If the worst thing that could happen to me was being tortured and killed instead of feeling bad because I did poorly, what would I do? If I was faced with real persecution instead of a game room, what would I do? Would I still follow after Christ, take up my cross, would I hold my head high as the lion’s cage was opened? Or would I turn and run and beg for my life? Would I deny my savior to save my skin? I hope not but I suppose that isn’t something you know until you are there, just ask Peter.
Origional Article
One response to “Sad State…”
I was just out shopping with my wife, and we were complaining about how we couldn’t afford some of the nice things we saw… We were thinking how nice it would be if we could purchase some of the paintings and other wall items to help improve our home… I think if there is anyone in the bible I am most like, its not Peter – it would be the rich young ruler who walked away ashamed because he was rich and didn’t want to walk away from his money to follow Christ.