- I MISS MY WIFE!!!! #
- Edward v Lestat v Strahd v Rayne v Dracula v Angel v Selene v Blade : who will be the last vamp Standing? #
- If there is a smell worse then when you are cleaning full gutters, I don't want to know about it. #
- Anyone have the book "Gospel-Powered Parenting" they want to let me borrow? #
- Of course I feel inadequate I share the name Father with God! Only by his grace can I fulfill that role. #
- RT @iconshock: Funny pic: Android vs Iphone http://j.mp/a2RvU5 //Joke only a geek could love. #
- Hopefully a privacy aware alternative to facebook. http://bit.ly/9CRtpn #
- It isn't just he south but anywhere there is a "church culture" http://bit.ly/9aSlx0 #
- Where is PETA when family dogs get shot for little or no cause? http://bit.ly/afQGK0 #
- On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses? #
- I am glad I found other geeks @veritascolumbus and that they are in my community group. #
- Awwwww yeaa the Evo is out in less than a month 🙂 #
- It is an extra $30 to use the Evo has a mobile hot spot? or us that just for 4G speeds? #
- Help for facebook privacy? http://nyti.ms/aWlLsC #
- American Idol government? It may not work but at least they are thinking in new ways. http://bit.ly/aMIFR3 #
- WHOA!!! $10 a month for the privilege of owning the EVO because I might actually use it? I may look into the Incredible after all. #
- RT @kennedyz: If 7% of the world's Christians adopted one child, all 150 million orphans would have homes. Psalm 68:5-6 //Wow #
- Sometimes things just line up in strange ways…FYI, the first one is my wife… http://tweetphoto.com/22398222 #
- Watching the girls make up their own games is awesome. #
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