My Journey I
Since this blog is subtitled ‘chronicling my life with Christ’ I thought it would be a good idea to actually walk through my experience with Christ. I grew up in a house that didn’t go to church; we went to the mall or in most cases Sunday was the day for my dad and I…
Resolutions (Goals)
It is my plan to set some realistic goals for the new year and hopefully in a year I can look back at this post with pride and say, I accomplished those goals. I have done them using the SMART goal system. Reading the Bible — This is the one I have placed as a…
Change in Schedule
I have been having trouble posting on my Monday, Friday schedule for various reasons and I still would like to do two posts a week, so I am moving to a Tuesday, Thursday Schedule. This way I will have some time coming off of the weekend to gather my thoughts, although I would really like…
Wish List
Just in case you want to buy me anything I thought I would include my wish list
New Look
I would like to get some input on the new look. I have been wanting to change it up a bit for a while but I haven’t had the time to make it look the way I wanted to. So, please let me know what you think of things…
Ron Paul would be great
For those of you who don’t know Ron Paul is a congressman from Texas who should be the next US President. This little clip shows you why….
Blowing my Mind — Willowcreek “We were wrong”
I am not trying take this time to bash Willowcreek but I am tipping my hat to them for admitting their errors and continuing to seek God regarding how they are supposed to do things. It is easy when you are one of the most ‘successful’ churches in the country to just put it into…
The Game
I found these and thought they were funny…
Helz Angel
Ok, it isn’t my normal post, I am working on something more substantial but this is my first Youtube video. If you don’t know we are spoofing Criss Angel, because EVERYONE on his show is a plant. They all work for him.
Hart-Broken – The 50-Yard Lion By Todd Sponsler
I think I may have to actually join the anti Jopa crowd. I love his character and the way he builds young men, but not at the expense of the team but I don’t think his, play to not lose mentality will work any more. This article breaks down the loss to THE M pretty…