The Discovery That Changed My Life V
Again this is a continuing entry so if you haven’t read the previous ones I suggest you begin here. The Discovery that Changed my Life In this, the conclusion of my story, I answer the question how should we then give, if tithing isn’t the answer what is?
The Discovery that Changed My Live IV
This is the continuing series I am doing on my exploration of the Tithe. If you wish to read previous entries, and I recommend you do then begin here. The Discovery that Changed My Live I The Discovery that Changed My Live II The Discovery that Changed My Live III you are ready to continue…
Fish Sandwiches and Lent
Lent is often approached as a time of fasting; it is amazing I know Lent is coming because every fast food place I see is advertising its fish sandwiches. It is good to know that we still have an impact on the market place but this season is about so much more than not eating…
The Discovery that Changed My Life III
I again appreciate all of the comments I have been receiving. I am really taking them all into consideration. Obviously I have determined that the Tithe is not a requirement of the New Covenant church. I believe a Pastor has the right to require anything of his members, that is between him and God, so…
The Discovery that Changed My Life II
If you missed it the first installment can be found at The discovery that changed my life part 1I appreciate everyone that has read my thoughts and commented on them. I hope everyone understands I went through this very carefully over a great deal of time. This study isn’t one I entered into overnight and…
The Discovery that Changed my Life.
Many people have been asking me to expound on my understanding of the tithe. So I will attempt to do that here. I have a huge paper in the works but I hurried the last of it and I don’t like it so I am going to do smaller version here a little at a…
Why is cultural relevance a big deal? | TheResurgence
Over at TheResurgance they are taking a good look at what it means to live as a Christian in the culture that surrounds us. It is worth a read for anyone who wants to effect change in the world around them. Why is cultural relevance a big deal? | TheResurgence
What is Humble Orthodoxy?
A very interesting concept.. Na – What is Humble Orthodoxy?
It Happens
It is unfortunate for me and my blog that I am not able to discuss certain things that are taking up a great deal of my life right now. Suffice to say I am going through some rough times and trying to not only make the best of it but see God in all of…
Mrs Kim’s Got Booze
So I was watching Gilmore Girls last night and this scene comes up that has me thinking. If you don’t watch Mrs Kim is the religious fanatic of the show, no secular music, no dancing or prom for her daughter, no unhealthy food, no fun and everyone is going to hell, very strict woman. So,…