Category: Christianity

  • Random thoughts…

      When the democrats loose an election they complain the people weren’t smart enough to understand them.  I guess they just got smarter because I don’t hear that from republicans.   How far are we willing to push entertainment in our church services under the guise of bringing people into the church hopefully one day…

  • A New Authority

                Post modern thinkers in the church are doing their best to deconstruct everything that may have been given to us by modern/American thought processes.  One of the things I may need to agree with them on to at least some degree is our view of leadership.  Although some postmodern Christians, it seems, would eliminate…

  • Christ In Articles – Why Men Dont Go to Church

    This article addresses some issues of Men and Church.  I found myself some time ago reading Why Men Hate Going to Church and realizing that I don’t know if I would attend a traditional church if I didn’t feel a call of ministry on my life.  When I say traditional I don’t mean an old…

  • How Evangelical Are You? Take the EQ Test.

    OK just funny I scored a 95. How Evangelical Are You? Take the EQ Test.

  • Dear Abby: Can I wear my swim trunks to church? | TheResurgence

    Funny we were just talking about this the other day at our open house.  It is a topic there is a great deal of debate about. Sorry I haven’t posted anything of my own as of late but I am slammed with work and planning for my mom and sister to come in town, but…

  • Seven Reasons Why We Cannot Call God

    It is crazy that we would even need such an article but I found it interesting none the less. Seven Reasons Why We Cannot Call God “Mother” | TheResurgence

  • Sacred Cows Make the Best Hamburger Part II…With Fries on the Side

                I think to begin to unravel the mystery of how to address issues of Church and culture there needs to be an understanding of universal and particular sin.  Universal sins are those specifically addressed in the Bible, murder, hatred, fornication, adultery and the ever troublesome eating food sacrificed to idols.  These sins are universally…

  • Sacred Cows Make the Best Hamburger…

    Every generation of Christians has faced one similar issue; how does one promote the Gospel of Jesus within the cultural context of your society without compromising the very nature of the Gospel. How do you promote the Gospel inclusively when it is somewhat exclusive, what is Gospel and what are cultural tradition? If you read…

  • An Open Letter to the Star Tribune | TheResurgence

    An Open Letter to the Star Tribune | TheResurgence This is a great letter written by John Piper.  Everyone should read this…

  • What would it be like?

                What would it be like if we all ceased trying to simply learn more about God until we actually applied to our lives, that which has already been revealed to us.  I would never suggest that we ever halt our pursuit of God.  Nevertheless there are areas or our lives where we neglect to…