Category: Christianity

  • Through the Bible: Strangers

    There are so many things to think about in this section of the Bible, that I hesitate to write about anyone of them for fear of doing a disservice to the remaining items. This section of Bible includes a story often referenced when discussing the tithe, the story of Abraham and Melchizedek. I have already…

  • My Journey II

    This is a continuation from “My Journey I” So you may want to start there. Campus life also had three large events each year, events where we would take over a hotel and their conference rooms. These were probably the best times I had because I got to hang out with a lot of other…

  • My Journey I

    Since this blog is subtitled ‘chronicling my life with Christ’ I thought it would be a good idea to actually walk through my experience with Christ. I grew up in a house that didn’t go to church; we went to the mall or in most cases Sunday was the day for my dad and I…

  • Resolutions (Goals)

    It is my plan to set some realistic goals for the new year and hopefully in a year I can look back at this post with pride and say, I accomplished those goals. I have done them using the SMART goal system. Reading the Bible — This is the one I have placed as a…

  • Merry Christmas (Spoilers Enclosed)

    Heather and I have been thinking and talking a lot about how we will be handling Christmas in our house.  We both grew up hearing and knowing about Santa Clause and my family didn’t focus much on the Christian nature but Heather’s focused a little more about on it.  Alora will probably be hearing about…

  • Reading The Bible

    I have talked about it a little but this is the official post and invitation.  I would like everyone I know to read the Bible with me this year.  I am slowing down to three chapters a day so I can absorb more and take some time for study.  I have added a page (you…

  • Text and Context

    This is actually an add for a conference that is upcoming sponsored by I wish I could go but normally they post the highlights on their podcast so at least I will get to listen to them. But if someone wants to send me to the conference I would gladly accept 🙂

  • The Bible is about who?

    Much of what we understand about God and Christianity is based on what we believe about the Bible.   Most of us have been taught that it is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, or that the Bible is about us.  But, it seems more accurate to believe that Jesus is the focus of the Bible…

  • Why do I watch?

    I took the chance to watch ‘Shrek the Halls’ last week and while it was terribly entertaining I can’t help but be upset every time I watch a TV Christmas special and they insist that the “real reason for Christmas” is anything but Christ. Shrek even went as far to say that “Twas the night…

  • Redeeming Time

    Many of us have time that is wasted, like the drive to work sitting and waiting for something. I have done my best to redeem this time by always having a book with me to read (while waiting not driving) and now I have really grabbed onto the idea of podcasts to help me out.…