Looking ahead to the New Year
Almost three years ago I made a new year’s resolution to read the Bible cover to cover I assumed it would take me an entire year, because that is what all the plans I found online say, but it only took me nine months. The following year I asked Dale to Join me and we…
Idolatry in our lives
Romans 1:25 – They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen Someone once said “The opposite of Christianity is not atheism but idolatry” and Mark Driscoll has made the point that because we are created to worship we will worship…
Thanksgiving Today is a day we have traditionally set aside as a day to say thanks to our creator for all the blessing in our lives so here it goes. I am thankful for all the friends I have been given in my life. I am thankful for a job that provides for my family…
I Am Out of Focus…
I have often said that at times “Christians know how to be friendly, but know little about being friends,” and I believe this to be true especially in my own life. I believe I have found the answer to why, and it is a matter of focus.
More from the Willow Creek Study
More on Willow Creek’s findings If you don’t know what those findings are please check out my previous post. One thing that was covered in Willow Creeks Key findings page was that the people whose lives are most centered on Christ are those who are most dissatisfied with the church as a whole. I can’t…
Blowing my Mind — Willowcreek “We were wrong”
I am not trying take this time to bash Willowcreek but I am tipping my hat to them for admitting their errors and continuing to seek God regarding how they are supposed to do things. It is easy when you are one of the most ‘successful’ churches in the country to just put it into…
Hidden in My Heart
I have decided to challenge myself to memorize God’s word, not in verses and words but an entire book of the Bible. I don’t do well trying to remember the ‘addresses’ of verses when I have memorized them in the past and I believe it better to know the entire context of what you are…
Reflections on the Modern House Church Movement
Frank Viola has a long and rich history in the world of House Churches. He has written a great deal on the subject and spends a time traveling and planting churches all over the world. This article looks at the ‘movement’ from a very high level and includes his experiences of different kinds of house…
My name is Jason and I am an Arrogant SOB.
Recently, God has been showing me more and more how all of my issues relate in some way shape or form to the sin of pride. Even to the point that I was proud of the fact I had finally realized my struggle, not that is irony. I hesitate to write about this for the…
Interesting Conversation
I was just pulled into an interesting conversation that began with Senator Craig and ended up talking about mega churches and the TBN crowd. I got to listen to one agnostic, former Catholic, and a occasional church goer give their unabridged opinions on several church issues, while I prayed my hardest to say the right…