Christmas stuff
I have had my rants about Christmas but this isn’t one of them. We are attempting to honor God in by creating some traditions with our Family.
Messiah as a Baby?
At church last night I had Zoe strapped to my side in her little carrier. Leaving my hands free and my biceps relieved. I couldn’t help but wonder as we sung about the advent of our Lord as a baby what it would have been like to look into the eyes of your child and…
Christmas Wisdom from the Sage
Over at letters from Kamp Krusty the Sage is dispensing tons of great free Christmas adivce “Oh, but it’s Christmas! It’s a special time of the year! I know, we’re in debt, overall, but it’s Christmas, and that’s only once a year, and — ” “And…” you’re an idiot. Seriously. —————— The Sage says it…
Christmas for my Family
Christmas in My Family Maybe I am an extremist when it comes to Christmas and the issues surrounding it but I get pretty excited over it. There is no other religious observance or holiday that is undermined so much in our American culture. You don’t see TV shows and movies that tell you the “true…
Top 25 Life-Improving Christmas Gifts for Under $10 | Zen Habits
In the interest of improving my quality of life and reducing the commercialism of Christmas I found this list last year and I wanted to post it to remind myself as well as give ideas to others. Top 25 Life-Improving Christmas Gifts for Under $10 | Zen Habits
Random Thoughts
These are just thoughts that may not be long enough to get an entire post to themselves, but are things I wanted to get written down. Will all those who voted for President Elect Barak Obama please begin “spreading the wealth around” by sending money via paypal to jasonrfisher@gmail.com, it will help hurry up the…
Back Home again…
Well we are finally back at home from our LONG Christmas break. We spent a few days in WV and a few in PA and what seemed like a few on the road, although it was only half a day (13 hours). We got a chance to start a few traditions for our families Christmas,…