Category: Family Life

  • Act Like Men

    Act like men will be a great conference dedicated to helping men be men.

  • What a stange encounter

    Heather and I had a very strange encounter last weekend.  We had decided to get my free birth day burger at a local restaurant and after asking to be moved away from the door and the negative wind chill we sat with the girls quietly waiting for our food to arrive.  It took a little…

  • Christmas stuff

    I have had my rants about Christmas but this isn’t one of them. We are attempting to honor God in by creating some traditions with our Family.

  • Honest About My Lack of Bible Reading

    In my attempt to be more honest and transparent as I launch my blog here is my first confession. I don’t care about my Bible.

  • Am I to much of a freak?

    My wife grew up listening to a series of records staring Psalty the singing song book and because of her love for this series she has purchased them for my daughter and Alora loves them.  I however do not.  I dislike them, not in the same way I do all of the other kids shows…

  • Authority, Government and God

    I have been invited to join a top secret group (oops) of men who will be meeting for several weeks while wrestling, and growing in our grip of theology.  We are working though several theological topics and the practical implications of them. This isn’t a debate club; our hope is to grow closer to one…

  • Raising a Righteous Child 2.5

    This post stems from the past few posts I have written about raising children and being a Godly father. My wife scared me on our way home from church when she pointed out how she sees the marriage covenant we share are being a type of the covenant Jesus has with his church. Now not…

  • Raising a Righteous Child II

    Raising a righteous child II I hope the conversation on this post doesn’t get shut down quite like the last one. I really am praying and struggling on how to handle these things. I didn’t grow up in a home centered on Christ and his work and therefore I don’t have a practical model of…

  • Meanwhile at the fortress of Solitude…

    I honestly didn’t intend to drop this blog so completely but my new blog has taken up a lot more of my time than I intended. But things have been moving along quite nicely, I had recently posted about being caught between two worlds and while I have reduced my extra biblical reading on theological…

  • Raising a Righteous Child

    I am becoming more and more convinced that raising a Godly child is more a result of what happens at home than the church programs you may have at your particular local church.  I know once it is said it is obvious but I have been living my life as if it was not true.…