Category: Family Life

  • Back Home again…

    Well we are finally back at home from our LONG Christmas break. We spent a few days in WV and a few in PA and what seemed like a few on the road, although it was only half a day (13 hours). We got a chance to start a few traditions for our families Christmas,…

  • Merry Christmas (Spoilers Enclosed)

    Heather and I have been thinking and talking a lot about how we will be handling Christmas in our house.  We both grew up hearing and knowing about Santa Clause and my family didn’t focus much on the Christian nature but Heather’s focused a little more about on it.  Alora will probably be hearing about…

  • Reading The Bible

    I have talked about it a little but this is the official post and invitation.  I would like everyone I know to read the Bible with me this year.  I am slowing down to three chapters a day so I can absorb more and take some time for study.  I have added a page (you…

  • Why do I watch?

    I took the chance to watch ‘Shrek the Halls’ last week and while it was terribly entertaining I can’t help but be upset every time I watch a TV Christmas special and they insist that the “real reason for Christmas” is anything but Christ. Shrek even went as far to say that “Twas the night…

  • Redeeming Time

    Many of us have time that is wasted, like the drive to work sitting and waiting for something. I have done my best to redeem this time by always having a book with me to read (while waiting not driving) and now I have really grabbed onto the idea of podcasts to help me out.…

  • Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving Today is a day we have traditionally set aside as a day to say thanks to our creator for all the blessing in our lives so here it goes. I am thankful for all the friends I have been given in my life. I am thankful for a job that provides for my family…

  • I Am Out of Focus…

    I have often said that at times “Christians know how to be friendly, but know little about being friends,” and I believe this to be true especially in my own life.  I believe I have found the answer to why, and it is a matter of focus.

  • Wish List

    Just in case you want to buy me anything I thought I would include my wish list

  • More from the Willow Creek Study

    More on Willow Creek’s findings If you don’t know what those findings are please check out my previous post. One thing that was covered in Willow Creeks Key findings page was that the people whose lives are most centered on Christ are those who are most dissatisfied with the church as a whole. I can’t…

  • Hidden in My Heart

    I have decided to challenge myself to memorize God’s word, not in verses and words but an entire book of the Bible. I don’t do well trying to remember the ‘addresses’ of verses when I have memorized them in the past and I believe it better to know the entire context of what you are…