The Discovery that Changed My Life II
If you missed it the first installment can be found at The discovery that changed my life part 1I appreciate everyone that has read my thoughts and commented on them. I hope everyone understands I went through this very carefully over a great deal of time. This study isn’t one I entered into overnight and…
The Discovery that Changed my Life.
Many people have been asking me to expound on my understanding of the tithe. So I will attempt to do that here. I have a huge paper in the works but I hurried the last of it and I don’t like it so I am going to do smaller version here a little at a…
When did Jesus become Voldemort™?
For those of you not in the know; Voldemort is the main antagonist from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series. One of the most notable things about him is that almost no one speaks his name, referring to him only has “He who shall not be named.” I love Christmas, it is the celebration of the…
Random thoughts…
When the democrats loose an election they complain the people weren’t smart enough to understand them. I guess they just got smarter because I don’t hear that from republicans. How far are we willing to push entertainment in our church services under the guise of bringing people into the church hopefully one day…
And God answers
OK, so it turns out that God knew what he was doing all along. (who would have guessed?) Alora didn’t have another ear infection, it was just a cold, which she has so graciously passed on to Heather and myself as proof. So she isn’t one of those luck three percent after all.
My daughter is one of the few…
We found out today that our daughter is one of the 3% of kids who still get ear infection after they have tubes but in their ears. It is a terribly frustrating experience. Please continue to pray with us as we try to figure out what to do. We can at least use ear drops…
I thought I knew God…
As I move through life I slowly discover that I don’t know as much as I though I did. Today was one of those moments I thought I new a lot about God before I was a father. But like many things in life the older I get the more I realize I didnt know…