Category: Godfidence

  • Leviticus strikes again…

    Warning: this article is more for me than public consumption.  I want to come back to study this point but don’t have time at the moment. Leviticus gets a bad wrap as far I am I concerned.  Sure, it is one of the few books full of do’s and don’ts but it also shows just…

  • Ash Wednesday and Lent

    Everyone has heard of Mardi Gras but how many of us know that it is connected to Lent and the Christian Tradition?

  • Repenting to my kids

    There is nothing more humbling than having to repent to your two and four year old. Not twenty four hours after I spent the day at a Conference dedicated to helping Men be more Godly I snapped at both of my little girls and my wife in major way.  I will be completely honest and…

  • Act Like Men LIVE

    Live blogging the Act Like Men Columbus conference.

  • Act Like Men

    Act like men will be a great conference dedicated to helping men be men.

  • The End of the Beginning

    How much did God’s hand play in the trials in Joseph’s life? Was it God’s hand pulling the strings to bring his will into fruition?

  • Tools for the Trade — Bible Reading

    Every year tons of people start the year off with the goal of reading the Bible.  Most people quit somewhere in the first five books.  Usually in Leviticus after all those details are like trudging a molasses bog at times. This year I am one of those people who are planning on reading through the…

  • Almost 2 years later

    I have finally memorized the entire book of Jude.  I went back to find out when I started and it was october 26 2007.  That means on and off it took me 2 years to memorize the book.  That isn’t good, but I did it. I hope to try a better method and do it…

  • Authority, Government and God

    I have been invited to join a top secret group (oops) of men who will be meeting for several weeks while wrestling, and growing in our grip of theology.  We are working though several theological topics and the practical implications of them. This isn’t a debate club; our hope is to grow closer to one…

  • Raising a Righteous Child 2.5

    This post stems from the past few posts I have written about raising children and being a Godly father. My wife scared me on our way home from church when she pointed out how she sees the marriage covenant we share are being a type of the covenant Jesus has with his church. Now not…