Category: Godfidence

  • Raising a Righteous Child II

    Raising a righteous child II I hope the conversation on this post doesn’t get shut down quite like the last one. I really am praying and struggling on how to handle these things. I didn’t grow up in a home centered on Christ and his work and therefore I don’t have a practical model of…

  • Greatest Threat to Christianity in America

    Speaks for itself

  • Meanwhile at the fortress of Solitude…

    I honestly didn’t intend to drop this blog so completely but my new blog has taken up a lot more of my time than I intended. But things have been moving along quite nicely, I had recently posted about being caught between two worlds and while I have reduced my extra biblical reading on theological…

  • Silly Myths

    I am really starting to love Matt Chandler

  • Sins of Young Men

    God save me from the sins of young men; save me from my arrogance and pride, looking at older men and thinking my experience is greater than theirs. Save me from the youthful lusts that so easily beset my generation. Save me from the desire to learn more about culture than about you. Save me…

  • Between Two Worlds

    I have been in the middle of two worlds recently and it has been a very strange experience. While exploring the positive attributes of the house churches and the new less institutional models of Christianity I have found some great authors who have points I agree with even if I am not able to fully…

  • Messiah as a Baby?

    At church last night I had Zoe strapped to my side in her little carrier.  Leaving my hands free and my biceps relieved.  I couldn’t help but wonder as we sung about the advent of our Lord as a baby what it would have been like to look into the eyes of your child and…

  • Financial predictions Redux

    I just want to drop a few predictions so I can point back to them when they happen. One piece of trivia I have always loved is that Al Capone’s business card said he was a second hand furniture salesman. I thought that was silly because who buys second hand furniture. Well, I believe we…

  • A new way to read it…

    Every year since I started this blog I have tried to get people to read through the bible with me, in fact this site started in large part with a forum to discuss what we were reading. I still keep my schedule as one of my pages at the top of the page so people…

  • Random Thoughts

    These are just thoughts that may not be long enough to get an entire post to themselves, but are things I wanted to get written down. Will all those who voted for President Elect Barak Obama please begin “spreading the wealth around” by sending money via paypal to, it will help hurry up the…