Category: Godfidence

  • I used to believe…

    I have said in the past and continue to say to some extent that I don’t trust someone who has never changed their mind on some matter.  I have known a few people who are so dogmatic about every single topic that I just tune them out because they obviously are no longer open to…

  • Tribal Culture

    Last week Heather and I took a dinner train excursion for our anniversary and we were seated at a table with a lovely older couple.  It is because of this trip I decided that I need to get a book on the art of conversation.  We were able to maintain a slight level of conversation…

  • Extreme Christianity

    Extreme Christianity No I am not talking about the 90’s in general when everything was ‘extreme’.  I really want to know if Christianity is meant to be extreme. By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17But if anyone…

  • OK I am a Geek: But I can’t wait!!!

    Some times you just have to admit your geek is showing but in this case I guess it makes me a Jesus geek. (Hurray for terrible puns)

  • Being an Abba

    Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. – Ephesians 6:4 I am feeling a lot of pressure now that Alora is getting old enough that she can understand things about God.  I was able to procrastinate teaching her about the Lord because she wasn’t…

  • Test Revival with Doctrine :: Desiring God

    John Piper had some great things to say today.  He was quoting Lee Grady who has been slowly earning my respect. Test Revival with Doctrine :: Desiring God Coming from a Charismatic background myself, I have seen what results from a lack of any kind of biblical knowledge of truth.  Simply “feeling” for God without…

  • More thoughts of Paganism

    Genetic Fallacy There has been a lot of talk about the origins of church practices since George Barna and Frank Viola published their book Pagan Christianity.  Many in the house church movement seem to whole heartedly reject common modern church practices simply because of their perceived origin; this concept is known as the genetic fallacy. …

  • That Guy in Every Church…

    That guy in every church… I was riding my bike last night (Man that is much easier when I am not hauling my daughter behind me) and I passed a guy on the trail that reminded me of a guy I used to know, and another.  It seems to me that there are certain types…

  • The why behind the what?

    Have you ever wondered how some things came to be the standard way to do church? I may not have found all the answers but I have found a few and they may surprise you.

  • Pirates? Are you serious?

    It is just a coincidence that this follows some of my Friday pirate Videos but this is a little sad. I have never really listened to Ed Young but I have heard him raved about by some friends. This video makes me not really want to hear from him again. He talks about people who…