Government is not the answer… it is the problem
Hillary has revealed her 2.0 plan for health care for our country along with every other democrat running for president. When will people realize that government is NOT the answer to our problems but is the problem. Every time the government tries to make things more affordable they get more expensive. Look at college tuition,…
Random Thoughts
I find it interesting that on “America’s got Talent” there are two Brits and one American determining if America’s got Talent. The government as a whole refuses to allow people to suffer the ramifications of their bad decisions. Stereotypically speaking the Republicans bail out ignorant businesses and the Democrats bail out ignorant individuals. Why not…
The Best Quotes From The Last Year Of Ann Coulter Columns – Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views)
The Best Quotes From The Last Year Of Ann Coulter Columns – Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views) Some times I think she has to take the hit of saying what a lot of people are thinking but are to afraid to say.
Harry Potter, the NYT and Treason
So the New York Times reviews Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The nature of this review upsets J.K Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. The NYT apologizes for perhaps having spoiled the books for all of the fans. Where is the apology for releasing top secret information about the war on terror? …
Am I a bad American?
Forgive me while I wax political for a moment but I really am sick of the way things are going. There are times when I feel like I am a traitor to my country because I simply think we are past the point of no return. Years ago Professor Alexander Tytler made a statement I…
Random Thoughts
Why is it that all the people who do these concerts to save the planet take their private jets that burn more fuel in one hour than my car does all year? I am a little ashamed that my neighbors have made more active moves to talk to me than I have to them when…
This is insane!!!
Have we seriously come to the point where any form of physical contact is considered bad? Has anyone see Demolition Man, where they didn’t allow such a thing? The world was turned into a giant wimp world. Kids need to learn how to act properly and simply telling them no does not give them that…
My Contract with America::By Rudy Giuliani
If I only believed it to be true and possible. Townhall.com::My Contract with America::By Rudy Giuliani
Fred Thompson Facts
If you aren’t familiar with Chuck Norris facts then this may not make as much sense but I still think they are true and funny… Fair warning some of them are PG-13 Fred Thompson Facts
Short but sweet
I have to study for my first mid-term so I don’t have a ton of time but I wanted to put a few thoughts out there for now… If you were young enough to wear a fashion the first time it was popular don’t wear it when it comes back. My prayers may have been…