Parents have no choice, School has “legitimate state interest” in teaching the homosexual lifestyle
Further proof that you children are not yours but the states. If the ACLU had their way all children would be wards of the state and just in you house. This parent was arrested because he objected to his elementary age (less than 10) child being taught about alternative sexual lifestyles. What about teaching the…
Video Friday: Ron Paul Immigration
I am a huge fan of Ron Paul and would love him to be elected as our president, unfortunately the masses won’t vote for him because he would end to many hand outs. But I think most people would agree with him if they knew more about him so I am doing my part.
FOXNews.com – Bringing Back the Draft – FOX Fan – Speak Out
I am sorry but I have to say something. Wasn’t it the democrats claiming if Bush is elected he will bring back the draft? Is the draft something we really want to use a leverage to keep from going to war? Congress is the only ones who can delcare war why don’t they bone up…
Random thoughts…
When the democrats loose an election they complain the people weren’t smart enough to understand them. I guess they just got smarter because I don’t hear that from republicans. How far are we willing to push entertainment in our church services under the guise of bringing people into the church hopefully one day…
Rant warning
OK, so this is the last of my political rants for today. I can’t stand people who will vote against their principles because in one particular issue they like the results. In this case I am talking about the smoking ban in Ohio. Many of the same people who were upset about the Kelo V…
School bans tag, other chase games – CNN.com
No running, Touching or pushing at recess? Any we are spending millions of dollars to find out why our kids are fat? School bans tag, other chase games – CNN.com
The Lesser of Two Evils
I have been forced to watch a great deal of political ads as of late, and they are proving something profound to me. I was correct in my assumption that politics in America has simply become the choice of the lesser of two evils. Every commercial that comes across the airwaves is nothing but…
Townhall.com::Frivolous politics::By Thomas Sowell
In this time of stupidity Dr. Sowell once again give us some great insight. Townhall.com::Frivolous politics::By Thomas Sowell
An Open Letter to the Star Tribune | TheResurgence
An Open Letter to the Star Tribune | TheResurgence This is a great letter written by John Piper. Everyone should read this…
Sad State…
Sometime in the near future in Indonesia three Christians will be executed by firing squad; what is their crime? Attempting to convert Muslim children to Christianity. This shouldn’t be so surprising hey have been here before and Jesus warned us things like this would come again. What makes the issue worse is that at the…