The End of the Beginning
How much did God’s hand play in the trials in Joseph’s life? Was it God’s hand pulling the strings to bring his will into fruition?
Abraham and Isaac
This week we covered some very familiar ground if you have ever tried to read the Bible before or if have attended church on a regular basis. Of course as I mentioned before and as some of you agreed it is difficult to read familiar texts without taking them for granted. As I have said…
Gettin the Job Done
Get it Job we finished Job this week? OK I didn’t sleep much last night. I still say I am not sure how to read Google. I am trying to read the Bible this year with a Christ centric approach but I don’t see it in Job. This is similar to the answers I was…
Job, how do you read that?
Last week we started the book of Job, while there are parts I greatly enjoy I often wonder how you are supposed to read it. There are four speakers through most of the story and all of them are capable of speaking untruths so can we take anything we say as the literal word of…
A New Beginning.
This is the first of what will hopefully be 52 posts as I read through the Bible Chronologically. I hope many of you are joining me. If it looks like a lot of people want to participate then I will set up some sort of format for us all to be able to voice our…
Tools for the Trade — Bible Reading
Every year tons of people start the year off with the goal of reading the Bible. Most people quit somewhere in the first five books. Usually in Leviticus after all those details are like trudging a molasses bog at times. This year I am one of those people who are planning on reading through the…
What God believes
This article from Reason Magazine online pointed me to a very interesting study being done by the University of Chicago. They did fMRI scans of people’s brains while asking them some questions. They asked what famous people thought about 10 hot button religious topics, what they personally felt about those topics and what God felt…
Honest About My Lack of Bible Reading
In my attempt to be more honest and transparent as I launch my blog here is my first confession. I don’t care about my Bible.
Never Heard that Before…
You may have heard the song, or seen a picture that lists all the names of Jesus from the Bible. I just came across two that I have really never heard before: stone of offense and a rock of stumbling. I guess that just doesn’t sound as good as Lily of the Valley. 🙂 “Behold,…
A new way to read it…
Every year since I started this blog I have tried to get people to read through the bible with me, in fact this site started in large part with a forum to discuss what we were reading. I still keep my schedule as one of my pages at the top of the page so people…