Though the Bible: By the Numbers
This post is a continuance of my blogging through the Bible, the schedule for our yearly reading is found at our Bible Schedule page and all of my “Through the Bible” are found here.
Through the Bible: I am the Law
I have to admit, not that it is unusual, reading through the Law is not my favorite time of the year. I know there are a few loons who love this part but I don’t. Many thoughts run through my head while I read the over 600 rules and regulations of Leviticus: Thank God for…
Through The Bible: I Found it.
When writing a previous Through The Bible post I made the following point: Simeon and Levi are condemned by their father for their act of vengeance against the man, and his people, who raped their sister. So, their glorious mission of revenge is not condoned by their father, and their anger has lost them a…
Through the Bible: Insert Clever Title Here
I have to be honest, I am way behind with my reading and as I am hitting some very familiar territory, I am having trouble focusing because “I have read it before.” Then to top it off God begins to give the law this week, which isn’t the easiest stuff to read so I decided…
Through The Bible: The Great Escape
I have always enjoyed reading the Bible with a group of people because of the different perspectives that can be brought up and enjoyed. I believe that is one of the reasons Paul instructed the Corinthian church to involve all who gather: What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a…
Through The Bible: the Middle of the Beginning
Through The Bible: the Middle of the Beginning One thing that stood out to me some time ago in reading Genesis regarding the tradition of building an altar at a place where God speaks to you, much like Jacob did at Bethel. It seems to me that almost every time God did something signifigant in…
Through the Bible: Strangers
There are so many things to think about in this section of the Bible, that I hesitate to write about anyone of them for fear of doing a disservice to the remaining items. This section of Bible includes a story often referenced when discussing the tithe, the story of Abraham and Melchizedek. I have already…
Through The Bible: Job
I have read many things written on the book of Job that have taken many differing points of view, I don’t subscribe to any of them completely. (I actually finished it so I am slightly ahead of schedule. Heather and I were reading together and got a great synergy going) The first chapters of Job…
Through The Bible: The Beginning
This year my Bible reading is off to a rocky start, when I got started with my new Bible, The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version, and enjoying it quite a bit as it is one of those Bibles with almost as many notes as text, Heather started to feel sick and we went to…
Resolutions (Goals)
It is my plan to set some realistic goals for the new year and hopefully in a year I can look back at this post with pride and say, I accomplished those goals. I have done them using the SMART goal system. Reading the Bible — This is the one I have placed as a…