//Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-30
NSFW is becomming one of my favorite Podcasts, especially with @Ohdoctah. # Thank you #LOST between you and #BSG I have officially given up on any of your type of shows. YOU ALL SUC K, and I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!! # I think today is an old school speed metal kind of day. (Metallica…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-23
7 year old girl may have been burned alive but at least they got their man, right? http://bit.ly/c2sPyh # Anyone out there have any tips on getting two little ones to sleep in the same room? Our girls are playing for hours and not sleeping. # My #lost question: will we every know why we…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-16
I MISS MY WIFE!!!! # Edward v Lestat v Strahd v Rayne v Dracula v Angel v Selene v Blade : who will be the last vamp Standing? # If there is a smell worse then when you are cleaning full gutters, I don't want to know about it. # Anyone have the book "Gospel-Powered…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-09
Anyone want to have a guys night Friday night? # RT @XIANITY: BREAKING NEWS: So-called "Gift of Helps" finally exposed as a fraud encouraged by those with "Gift of Delegation". # RT @BrandonMouser: the Evangelical Christian Guide to Superheroeshttp://wp.me/pKEPZ-5y # Thanks to Wayne Grudem I have a much clearer understanding of the inerrancy of scripture.…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-05-02
Watch out everyone your facebook is at it again and information may not be as private as you would like. http://bit.ly/9231AK # How to understand Home school parents if you aren't one a primer http://bit.ly/aNcK2u # Please people spell check your education protest signs http://bit.ly/ajfEn2 # Isn't it strange that the people most opposed to…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-04-25
I am thankful for all the men of our prep group @veritascolumbus. It is great to know you all. # RT @nicknye: Is it right to kick someone out of church? This Sunday @veritascolumbus we'll talk about that. — I can't wait to hear it. # If Hulu # If Hulu's pay service removes ads…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-04-18
Hey I am not on my way to @veritascolumbus cause we have morning service now. Awesome # "Stuff Christians like" is cracking me up, get it free here http://bit.ly/c4tLsz. Go get it and have a good laugh. # If you paid every $ you have earned to the government so far this year you would…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-04-11
Just flipping through 614 mag and suddenly realized "I know that guy" congrats to P. Tepper on his write up. http://bit.ly/bUVMgI # Who could possibly not see this coming? Oh yea the people who brought you Health Care Reform. http://bit.ly/aOhCO8 # Does anyone know if there is a theological version of the open course ware…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-04-04
Don't forget @veritascolumbus moves to our new building and new service time Easter Sunday Morning. http://bit.ly/9IcmTe # Finally a well reasoned and balanced article on the Health Care Bill. http://bit.ly/a0WZAb — Do yourself a favor and read it. # In IT, I sometimes think you should fire everyone periodically so you can get rid of…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-03-28
The spirit doesnt take you past the cross but ever more deeply into it @veritascolumbus # RT @TheHussman: Anyone who writes… well anyone who likes clever should watch this now http://bit.ly/9Lv0ms — Really well done. # The Resurgence: Prosperity Theology/Dirty Little Secret –http://bit.ly/dvoCGh # is it rude to ask a CSR to stop breathing into…