//Godfidence Tweets 2010-03-21
6 hour road trip unpacked and @veritascolumbus. It is good to be home. # I loved being back with family but it is nice to be back to my 'normal' life. # Google maps is adding bike routing!! Sweet! # Ever just not want to get up from your computer and get on with life?…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-03-07
Has anyone actually found Google Buzz useful? # Freaking awesome. Matt Chandler is freaking awesome, I wish I would have heard this years ago. http://bit.ly/cjWZ6H # Spinach, bananas, blueberries and almond milk, yummy smoothie. # 1 week from now I will be sitting at Fear The Con, I can't wait. # Powered by Twitter Tools
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-02-28
Yea, that is me she is talking about 🙂 I love you babe http://bit.ly/c07Bw8 # RT @TheHussman: Starting to get really stoked for Fear the Con // me too!!!! # Remember the phrase "That is boss" for something cool? I think I want to bring that back. # Zoe apparently chipped two of her teeth…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-02-21
State of the church address @veritacolumbus # Anyone else feel like weekends are getting shorter and shorter? # Hey my wife is out of town this weekend anyone want do something so I don't go stir crazy with the kids? # What does it mean to celebrate Mardi Gras or Lent? http://bit.ly/cCJOuS # Just finished…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-02-14
New Article Today:: The Lord Hardended Pharoah's Heart http://bit.ly/cAJMrn # The moaning about the Tebow ad "glorifying violence against women" cheapens REAL discussion about such violence. Who's hurting women now? # RT @RaeWhitlock: The moaning about the Tebow ad "glorifying violence against women" cheapens REAL discussion about such violence. # New Article Today:: Repenting to…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-02-07
Hey PETA leave Phil alone, he is the fattest happiest ground hog there is. I wish I only had to work once a year. # I want an android phone, Do I stay with sprint and get the Hero or wait for the nexus one to hit verizon and swtich providers? # @joe_byler It is…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-01-31
How to they make your phone die just before your conract is up? # "People will never know what's in that bill until we pass it" David Axelrod on HC bill, How is that for trasnparency? http://bit.ly/7Lvtqg # Just listened to my oldest pray for Jesus to help her attitude on the monitor. It was…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-01-24
Throwback Mt Dew is somewhere between regular and diet. I am not sure I like it but I could get used to it if they keep it around. # Can you name a book where the movie was better? Everyone always says "The book was better" is that ever not the case? Besides LOTR. #…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-01-17
Finally beat a game from 1990 last night, now should I even start the sequel? It may take till I am 50 to beat it. # A week down reading through the Bible chronologically with my wife and we are still on point, join us? http://bit.ly/5tbJ9e # @BrandonMouser I would take your money on that.…
//Godfidence Tweets 2010-01-10
Do you say "two thousand ten" or "Twenty ten" # in case you wondered Guitar Hero Metallica is MUUUUUCH harder than other guitar hero's. My hand still hurts this morning. # CRAP I forgot I wasn't going to drink caffeine and got a Mt Dew for lunch. # Two days in a row the wife…