//Godfidence Tweets 2009-12-06
I just downloaded music from Sojourn @NoiseTrade. You can download it for FREE at http://tinyurl.com/4kj8yb # Finally got my wave invites. Anyone want one? DM me. # Does anyone want to read through the Bible Chronologically this year with me and keep me accountable? Serious commitment preferred. # RT @stevenbennett2: http://bit.ly/8Iw2Su I love the Muppets.…
Honest About My Lack of Bible Reading
In my attempt to be more honest and transparent as I launch my blog here is my first confession. I don’t care about my Bible.
Whether we realize it or not too many of us grew us there.
//godfidence coming back on line
I have been working for quite some time on my other blog (improvethequality.com) and I had completely dropped the ball in regard to //godfidence. It is my intention to bring it back on line and being posting again. So for the two of you that may see this I hope you will keep dropping by…
Am I to much of a freak?
My wife grew up listening to a series of records staring Psalty the singing song book and because of her love for this series she has purchased them for my daughter and Alora loves them. I however do not. I dislike them, not in the same way I do all of the other kids shows…
Almost 2 years later
I have finally memorized the entire book of Jude. I went back to find out when I started and it was october 26 2007. That means on and off it took me 2 years to memorize the book. That isn’t good, but I did it. I hope to try a better method and do it…
Authority, Government and God
I have been invited to join a top secret group (oops) of men who will be meeting for several weeks while wrestling, and growing in our grip of theology. We are working though several theological topics and the practical implications of them. This isn’t a debate club; our hope is to grow closer to one…
Raising a Righteous Child 2.5
This post stems from the past few posts I have written about raising children and being a Godly father. My wife scared me on our way home from church when she pointed out how she sees the marriage covenant we share are being a type of the covenant Jesus has with his church. Now not…
Raising a Righteous Child II
Raising a righteous child II I hope the conversation on this post doesn’t get shut down quite like the last one. I really am praying and struggling on how to handle these things. I didn’t grow up in a home centered on Christ and his work and therefore I don’t have a practical model of…
Greatest Threat to Christianity in America
Speaks for itself