Meanwhile at the fortress of Solitude…
I honestly didn’t intend to drop this blog so completely but my new blog has taken up a lot more of my time than I intended. But things have been moving along quite nicely, I had recently posted about being caught between two worlds and while I have reduced my extra biblical reading on theological…
Silly Myths
I am really starting to love Matt Chandler
Improve the quality
I just wanted to let any of my readers know about a new project that has been in the works for some time now. ImprovetheQuality.com is a site about improving the quality of life by simplifying and improving your financial standing. It is in beta mode at the moment so there will be some more…
Raising a Righteous Child
I am becoming more and more convinced that raising a Godly child is more a result of what happens at home than the church programs you may have at your particular local church. I know once it is said it is obvious but I have been living my life as if it was not true.…
One Month to live?
Dale at Iquitagain has thrown down the gauntlet for the month of Febuary. Can you take the 4 for 4 challenge? http://iquitagain.com/weightloss-articles/a-month-to-live
Falling behind
So, I have missed my posting time because a ton to things I have been working on in fact I am debating leaving //Godfidence behind to work on some other projects. It isn’t that I don’t want to continue working and researching the Gospel and how to live it out but I could post them…
What a Surprise
Saturday afternoon I was sitting around having coffee with two of my best friends not suspecting the shock I was in for. Aaron had taken a wrong turn after showing me a store front he was looking to buy to open up a magic shop. We ended up in a city park after hours to…
Sins of Young Men
God save me from the sins of young men; save me from my arrogance and pride, looking at older men and thinking my experience is greater than theirs. Save me from the youthful lusts that so easily beset my generation. Save me from the desire to learn more about culture than about you. Save me…
Between Two Worlds
I have been in the middle of two worlds recently and it has been a very strange experience. While exploring the positive attributes of the house churches and the new less institutional models of Christianity I have found some great authors who have points I agree with even if I am not able to fully…
Best of //Godfidence 2008
I thought I would drop a list of my favorite posts of the year as well as the “Reader’s Choice.” Take some time to look them over won’t you. Jason’s Favs: Pride again rears its head. — I enjoyed this post because it gave me some insight on my personality and I hope has really…