My Birthday
Today is my 30th birthday. In case you wanted to know…
Messiah as a Baby?
At church last night I had Zoe strapped to my side in her little carrier. Leaving my hands free and my biceps relieved. I couldn’t help but wonder as we sung about the advent of our Lord as a baby what it would have been like to look into the eyes of your child and…
Live Blogging WBCOOP
If you don’t like poker skip this entry… If you are not sure what the WBCOOP is see my previous post. I decided to live blog the tourney so I could keep my ADD in line and not blow it. My first goal is to make it to the first break; one hour into play.…
Financial predictions Redux
I just want to drop a few predictions so I can point back to them when they happen. One piece of trivia I have always loved is that Al Capone’s business card said he was a second hand furniture salesman. I thought that was silly because who buys second hand furniture. Well, I believe we…
World Blogger Championship Of Online Poker (WBCOOP)!
You may have noticed a new little logo in the sidebar of the site. I have been accepted to play in the World Blogger Championship Of Online Poker or WBCOOP! Yes, I confess I play poker. I learned to play poker on a youth retreat years ago and I have played off and on for…
Christmas Wisdom from the Sage
Over at letters from Kamp Krusty the Sage is dispensing tons of great free Christmas adivce “Oh, but it’s Christmas! It’s a special time of the year! I know, we’re in debt, overall, but it’s Christmas, and that’s only once a year, and — ” “And…” you’re an idiot. Seriously. —————— The Sage says it…
Never Heard that Before…
You may have heard the song, or seen a picture that lists all the names of Jesus from the Bible. I just came across two that I have really never heard before: stone of offense and a rock of stumbling. I guess that just doesn’t sound as good as Lily of the Valley. 🙂 “Behold,…
Christmas for my Family
Christmas in My Family Maybe I am an extremist when it comes to Christmas and the issues surrounding it but I get pretty excited over it. There is no other religious observance or holiday that is undermined so much in our American culture. You don’t see TV shows and movies that tell you the “true…
A new way to read it…
Every year since I started this blog I have tried to get people to read through the bible with me, in fact this site started in large part with a forum to discuss what we were reading. I still keep my schedule as one of my pages at the top of the page so people…
My hometown made Snopes.com!!!
I get new urban legends sent to my reader everyday and this one shocked the tar out of me. It isn’t often, in fact I don’t think I have ever seen my hometown online. Unless I looked it up. snopes.com: Razor Blades in Merchandise