Top 25 Life-Improving Christmas Gifts for Under $10 | Zen Habits
In the interest of improving my quality of life and reducing the commercialism of Christmas I found this list last year and I wanted to post it to remind myself as well as give ideas to others. Top 25 Life-Improving Christmas Gifts for Under $10 | Zen Habits
Random Thoughts
These are just thoughts that may not be long enough to get an entire post to themselves, but are things I wanted to get written down. Will all those who voted for President Elect Barak Obama please begin “spreading the wealth around” by sending money via paypal to jasonrfisher@gmail.com, it will help hurry up the…
Church Plants have some advantages…
At risk of sounding like a “review” of a church I wanted to talk about the church we attended over the weekend. Sunday night a few of us went downtown in Columbus to visit Veritas Community Church Heather and I have been looking at becoming involved with the acts29network for some time. I am even…
Discipleship in practice
How can you know someone you that you know nothing about? It has recently become the avant-garde thing to do to once again proclaim no creed but Christ and to know God outside of church, doctrine or creed. But my question is how do you do that? I was one of the few people I…
It is all about the Gospel even sex
It is all about the Gospel. Last week at our house church I heard probably the greatest message on sex and marriage I have ever heard. The reason was because it went past pop psychology to the gospel and how our fallen nature affects our marriages. The Gospel should always be at the center of…
Blindness the Novel
I suppose I am one of the few people who would hurry to get a book before the movies comes out when they have no intention of seeing the movie. But when I discovered that the new movie Blindness is based on a noble prize winning book I decided to branch outside of my normal…
How long do we have?
I have refrained from discussing politics as much as possible because I am attempting to focus more on the gospel but I have to ask. Why do we allow the Government so much power in our lives? About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history…
Yearly Bounce
Every year since this blog has been up it seems like I have a large number of readers at the very beginning of the year only to have the numbers drop back down to average by February or March. I assume that is because every year I attempt to read the Bible all the way…
Parallel thoughts?
I wrote yesterdays blog two weeks ago and today I discovered that John Piper was having some similar thoughts about the economic crisis. These times are good for missions. Please read John Piper’s Article here, it is short and wonderful.