Could our financial woes be good for the Gospel?
Last week I wrote a little on our financial woes but I wanted to look on the other side. You know in this time of financial trouble it is easy to loose track of important matters in our panic. It is very possible that if we do things right, the church of Christ could truly…
Dorie Morgan’s Rising Up » Wasteful Spending in Suburbia » Navigating Twenty-Something Suburban Life
On the heels of my extrmeme Christianity blogs I thoutht it would be good to point out that I am not the only one feeling this way. This is a great little post I just stumbled across. Dorie Morgan’s Rising Up » Wasteful Spending in Suburbia » Navigating Twenty-Something Suburban Life
How much is bad doctrine to blame for our current financial woes?
A recent Time magazine article looks at just that. The author notes that these prosperity preachers have been telling people for years: That God will “make a way” for poor people to enjoy the better things in life — had developed an additional, dangerous expression during the subprime-lending boom. Walton says that this encouraged congregants…
Extreme Christianity III
Extreme Christianity III Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. — Rom 12:1 I have read this passage many times, in fact it is one that I have memorized but the context has alluded…
Still a geek…
I just have to say I am stoked….
Worship or Pop
Ok, I am trying really hard not to be so critical but on our way to King’s Island this past weekend my wife was flipping through some radio stations and stopped on some music that isn’t really my style but I started listening because it seemed pretty good. Half way through I had to ask,…
I used to believe…
I have said in the past and continue to say to some extent that I don’t trust someone who has never changed their mind on some matter. I have known a few people who are so dogmatic about every single topic that I just tune them out because they obviously are no longer open to…
Bonus Blog:Being a Parent Sucks
OK, not really all the time but at times it really does; We just got back from Kings Island, an amusement park for those who don’t know. It was my company picnic and we had rented out the whole park, which was really nice. King’s Island owns the rights to all the Nickelodeon characters so…
Tribal Culture
Last week Heather and I took a dinner train excursion for our anniversary and we were seated at a table with a lovely older couple. It is because of this trip I decided that I need to get a book on the art of conversation. We were able to maintain a slight level of conversation…
Lots of Changes
I have finally decided on a new theme for this blog and I plan on making a few other, deeper changes. God has shown me a few things that I didn’t realize about myself and after some meditation I plan on changing my life accordingly. God recently revealed some bitterness to me, it was difficult…