6 Years and Counting
This past weekend Heather and I spent the weekend in WV celebrating our six year anniversary. Normally, we have quite an adventure like last year, or our trip up a dirt road that almost got my car to bottom out so we could visit the “Family Fun Center”, or the moonlight canoe ride during a…
Extreme Christianity II
In my first “Extreme Christianity” post I looked at whether or not God was calling us all to a more extreme view of our money. This week I am looking at everything else I suppose.
Extreme Christianity
Extreme Christianity No I am not talking about the 90’s in general when everything was ‘extreme’. I really want to know if Christianity is meant to be extreme. By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17But if anyone…
OK I am a Geek: But I can’t wait!!!
Some times you just have to admit your geek is showing but in this case I guess it makes me a Jesus geek. (Hurray for terrible puns)
Wanted: a Paul
I had an interesting experience today at lunch today as I sat and pretended to read I was eavesdropping on a pair of older gentlemen at the next table. (Yea it was wrong but I don’t care) There conversation was more interesting than my book for a little while and I started to think about…
Changes in Schedule
Change in Schedule again… As much as I have resisted it I think I am going to have to change my posting schedule again. I simply have to much to do to devote time to quality posts twice a week and I would like to improve my quality more than my quantity so I am…
Being an Abba
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. – Ephesians 6:4 I am feeling a lot of pressure now that Alora is getting old enough that she can understand things about God. I was able to procrastinate teaching her about the Lord because she wasn’t…
Test Revival with Doctrine :: Desiring God
John Piper had some great things to say today. He was quoting Lee Grady who has been slowly earning my respect. Test Revival with Doctrine :: Desiring God Coming from a Charismatic background myself, I have seen what results from a lack of any kind of biblical knowledge of truth. Simply “feeling” for God without…
Random Stuff
I started an experiment today; I am trying to look everyone in the eye as I pass them in the hall or on the street. I am not trying to be creepy but I am also not trying to avoid eye contact. It is really strange what people will do to avoid eye contact, stare…