Preaching as proclamation
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written “How beautiful are the feet…
That Guy in Every Church…
That guy in every church… I was riding my bike last night (Man that is much easier when I am not hauling my daughter behind me) and I passed a guy on the trail that reminded me of a guy I used to know, and another. It seems to me that there are certain types…
The why behind the what?
Have you ever wondered how some things came to be the standard way to do church? I may not have found all the answers but I have found a few and they may surprise you.
Dark Knight
With Heather leaving town this weekend I took off to with a buddy to see The Dark Knight. I was skeptical to see it because it was tremendously well hyped as the best movie ever, and the death of Heath Ledger only served to increase this hype. (This post is spoiler free)
Money and Me
I have talked a little about minimizing my life and the reasons for doing so but I don’t know if I am ready to take the steps I think are necessary. A few weeks ago Todd over at Todd Hiestand.com talked a little about how a recent mission trip affected the way he thinks about…
I have several great ideas in my head but with big projects at work and three sick girls in the house my time has been a little stretched. Might I suggest you to to the home page and take a look at the “Top Posts” tab or the “Authors Favs” They are some older posts…
Pirates? Are you serious?
It is just a coincidence that this follows some of my Friday pirate Videos but this is a little sad. I have never really listened to Ed Young but I have heard him raved about by some friends. This video makes me not really want to hear from him again. He talks about people who…
Loss of Dogma
Dogma is a word, like many in the theological sphere, that’s meaning has been all but lost. It has taken on a negative connotation when in reality it is simply the most core beliefs of a given religion. Thefreedictionary.com defines dogma as “an authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered…
Suburban Missionary: Friend of a Friend
Saturday I helped one of my best and longest term friends move out of Ohio, he has moved on to take a position as Youth Pastor. At his house I met a girl named Stephanie who works with my friends wife. Was that clear as mud? Anyway Stephanie moved down here alone and left her…
Reforming Slowly
Since I discovered the Ministry of Mark Driscoll some time ago I have found an entire new world opened to me, the world of the reformed church. I have found myself listening to Spurgeon, Piper, Chandler, The White Horse Inn and a few others. They have shown me a new side of Christianity, actually more…