Why is the Rum Gone
Ok, after last weeks video I was lead to this one, and I thought it was actually pretty well done for one of these remix videos. Plus I just love Pirates!
Strangers a Continuing Story.
A few months ago I talked about strangers in the Bible and I expressed a desire to do more for strangers but for some time I have ignored those desires, or found some good ‘reason to do so. Today that changed.
Through The Bible: a Pause
I am going to discontinue my weekly through the Bible posts. This is a decision while not easy is for the best. I am still reading the Bible on the Chronological schedule here at my site, and I hope many of you join me but the fact is I am reading with the wrong intentions.…
Through the Bible: God’s Love
I am continuing my adventure through the Bible and I am at least in the current month, at least until tomorrow. I had to do some chain referencing in this one and I probably wouldn’t have done it but reading chronologically has made want to look more into what is being said. I ready Psalm…
Community: a synchroblog
This post is part of a synchroblog started by Glenn Hager. Take a look there for more posts on the topic of community and what it means to all the participants. Community is one of the new buzz words in Christianity today. It seems like every other new church starting is ‘community church’ but this…
Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything…
I haven’t done a Friday Video in a while because, frankly, I hadn’t found anything worth putting up. This little gem however combines a few of my favorite things: Punk Covers, Pirates, and Veggie Tales.
Suburban Missionary II
I have decided to post an update on my effort to be a suburban missionary. Heather and I have talked at length about having a block party for our neighbors to get to know them all better but expressly to open the door to share the gospel. Well, I am unfortunately one of those people…
Through the Bible: Conquerors
Through the Bible: Conquers in Christ. This is the continuation of our trip through the Bible, if you haven’t read any of the previous posts feel free to click the “Through the Bible” category link at the bottom of the post or at the top of that page and take a look. If you want…
Rob Bell’s Trampoline
Rob Bells Trampoline In Velvet Elvis Rob Bell discusses Doctrine as the spring on a trampoline. The springs are not the main point; they merely facilitate the greater goal of “us finding our lives in God.” He compares it to looking at doctrine as a brick wall that when bricks are removed simply falls apart.…
Through The Bible: A new Psalm
This is another in the “Through the Bible series.” These posts are thing I have noticed and appreciated as I read through the Bible in Chronological order.I have fallen behind but continue to read in order to get caught up. This week I have begun reading about David’s flight from Saul and all of the…