Random Thoughts
I recently passed by a Speedway gas station and saw a sign for shockwave extra caffeinated coffee. I can’t help but wonder when the first American’s heart is going to explode from these “energy” drinks, if it hasn’t happened already. And while we are talking about signs, I pass a church every day that has…
Through The Bible: Far Behind
As I said before I have fallen behind with the addition of our new little girl and my own lack of discipline, but I am determined to continue to read. I am almost exactly one month behind the schedule so I am starting in on the April 8th reading of 1 Samuel.
The Full Story
Zoe Abrielle It was Monday night, I was recovering from a stomach bug and Heather was a tired as ever. We went for a walk around the neighborhood and Heather’s contractions were coming at about 5 minute intervals. However, as soon as we returned to the house the contractions stopped. They started again the evening…
Bible Reading
Well, I have fallen far behind in my reading; I haven’t disciplined myself to have a scheduled time to read. I tried my lunch break but it is too easy to get pulled into meetings or to generally get distracted.
Sheeeee’s Here
I wasn’t able to post on Tuesday because Zoe Abrielle has arrived. She weighed in at 8lb 11.5 oz and 20.5 in. She was born on April 29th at 7:22am.
First Among Equals
I have to add more to my look at Biblical church Leadership by examining the concept of primus inter pares or “First among equals,” a phrase which indicates that a person is the most senior of a group of people sharing the same rank or office.
Memories in the corner of my mind…
9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. 10 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. 11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. 12 Praise be to you, O LORD;…
Arrogance on My Part
I had something of an interesting revelation the other day about my pride. I am sure we are all familiar with the shame we feel after a particular sin or ‘spritiual bad day’ where we just don’t want to face our father. It is just like report card day when I was in school.
Tax Day
Well again I don’t like to be all political but this is the only time of the year it seems you can get people to pay attention. There will be news stories of Post Offices being open late so people can file. There may even be a few stories about how much the squeeze is…
Suburban Missionary
“You feel called to Africa but you haven’t gone across the street” — Many Pastors across America. I have heard the above quote many a times in my life from a preacher who is trying to convince people to witness to their neighbors. Although I have a great numbers of problems with modern evangelism techniques…