Friday Vids: Tribute to Gary Gygax
In honor of the passing of Gary Gygax I thought it was only right to have these videos here. I will warn you these videos are pg-13.
Biblical Church Leadership IV
The beginning of this series is found here: Biblical Leadership. Please start there if you haven’t read the previous posts in this series. This post will look into the role of the Deacons.
Thanks Gary
Yesterday Gary Gygax passed away at the age of 69. Most of you probably won’t have a clue who he is but to the geeks; he is a hero. To some of you, after you find out who he is, you may think he is the devil’s own son, but you are wrong and ignorant.…
Though the Bible: By the Numbers
This post is a continuance of my blogging through the Bible, the schedule for our yearly reading is found at our Bible Schedule page and all of my “Through the Bible” are found here.
Friday Vids: Starwars girl
In keeping with the Friday entertainment schedule I came upon this video and it just made me smile thinking about my own little girl. This little girl is so cute. I thought I would show this to brighten up your day.
Biblical Church Leadership III
Continuing my posts on Biblical Church Leadership let me again warn the new reader that this is a continuation and it is recommended that you begin with the original post to fully understand the content. WARNING: Up to this point most people will probably have been in agreement with the major thrust of this series,…
Through the Bible: I am the Law
I have to admit, not that it is unusual, reading through the Law is not my favorite time of the year. I know there are a few loons who love this part but I don’t. Many thoughts run through my head while I read the over 600 rules and regulations of Leviticus: Thank God for…
Tax Time
I try to keep this blog as clear of politics as possible but it is the time of year I can’t help but vent. Imagine if you will the scene at a grocery store where a woman has a two hundred and fifty dollar bill. She hands the cashier three hundred dollars to pay for…
Friday Funny: Woman as explained by an engineer
Ok, I thought this was funny enough to post. If you have dial up you may not be able to download some of the images. If you click on the images you will be able to see the entire thing, I realize some of them have been cut off, I am to lazy to fix…
Biblical Church Leadership II
This is a continuation of a previous post, if you haven’t read Biblical Church Leadership I suggest you first read it to make sure completely understand the context of this post. Today we will examine the elder.