Through The Bible: I Found it.
When writing a previous Through The Bible post I made the following point: Simeon and Levi are condemned by their father for their act of vengeance against the man, and his people, who raped their sister. So, their glorious mission of revenge is not condoned by their father, and their anger has lost them a…
Wow, answer to prayer!
I have to add this post to my normal rotation because it was such a great day. I prayed today, more than normal, for God to open the doors for me to share the gospel, to remove the yellow from my back to walk through it and to give me the proper words in the…
Friday Vids: The Greatest White Rapper
Move over Marshal Mathers, there is a new White Gangta in town.
Biblical Church Leadership
I have recently started down a road of examining ecclesiology, or how the church is structured. Although I was taught a little about it in Bible College I have been challenged on the Biblical veracity of some of those teaching and so I began to study the concept. I understand that we all come into…
Through the Bible: Insert Clever Title Here
I have to be honest, I am way behind with my reading and as I am hitting some very familiar territory, I am having trouble focusing because “I have read it before.” Then to top it off God begins to give the law this week, which isn’t the easiest stuff to read so I decided…
Schedule Change
I am going to update my posting schedule one more time to hopefully get to do everything I want to get done. I will be posting my “Through the Bible” posts on Tuesday, my other thoughts on Thursday and Friday will be an entertainment based post. Entertainment will be book reviews, videos, and jokes just…
Book Review: The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Review of Huckleberry Finn As I begin writing this post, I don’t feel entirely adequate to review such a classic piece of American literature. Mark Twain was a brilliant man in many ways and his insight into the human condition is most astounding. The book is known to be one of the first to be…
The Parable of the Soils
I just read a section of a new book, “Organic Church” by Neil Cole, which book has me doing some introspection. He had a very interesting section on the Parable of the Sower, or as some call it “The Parable of the Soils”. I like this second name better as the parable seems to say…
Ash Wednesday
I completely didn’t realize this is ash Wednesday!!! How could I have not realized that, I guess I am not paying attention. I don’t have anything deep to say about it just that I forgot.
Through The Bible: The Great Escape
I have always enjoyed reading the Bible with a group of people because of the different perspectives that can be brought up and enjoyed. I believe that is one of the reasons Paul instructed the Corinthian church to involve all who gather: What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a…