Pride again rears its head.
Pride The other day, in the middle of a somewhat heated debate via email, I realized another aspect where my pride hiders my ability to follow Christ and for that matter to be a good friend. I was so tied up in the idea of being right and clever that I refused to even consider…
Through The Bible: the Middle of the Beginning
Through The Bible: the Middle of the Beginning One thing that stood out to me some time ago in reading Genesis regarding the tradition of building an altar at a place where God speaks to you, much like Jacob did at Bethel. It seems to me that almost every time God did something signifigant in…
Friday Videos: Potter Pals and TMTN
I have not watched any of the other videos in this series but I can not get this song out of my head.
Randomality Jan-08
• A lot of people are irritated by Bluetooth headsets and how crazy they have made life but as someone who talks to himself on a regular basis, I am glad they make me look less crazy. • Can we please decide on a secure password standard so I can have one that works on…
From the land of Duh: CARRYING GUNS WILL STOP VIOLENT CRIMES | National Center for Policy Analysis
CARRYING GUNS WILL STOP VIOLENT CRIMES | National Center for Policy Analysis
Through the Bible: Strangers
There are so many things to think about in this section of the Bible, that I hesitate to write about anyone of them for fear of doing a disservice to the remaining items. This section of Bible includes a story often referenced when discussing the tithe, the story of Abraham and Melchizedek. I have already…
I am not a huge hockey fan but I love going to see the Jackets. This is being called “The Goal of the Year” by ESPN
Book Review: The Immortals — Tracy Hickman
I read this book for several reasons; first Tracy Hickman is one of my favorite fantasy authors, secondly it was available on podiobooks.com for free. It is a near future story that tells of American intern camps for people suffering from an AIDS like disease. I think it was a bit to overbearing in its…
My Journey II
This is a continuation from “My Journey I” So you may want to start there. Campus life also had three large events each year, events where we would take over a hotel and their conference rooms. These were probably the best times I had because I got to hang out with a lot of other…
Through The Bible: Job
I have read many things written on the book of Job that have taken many differing points of view, I don’t subscribe to any of them completely. (I actually finished it so I am slightly ahead of schedule. Heather and I were reading together and got a great synergy going) The first chapters of Job…