Book Review: Going to Church in the First Century
Going to Church in the First Century This book was a delightful surprise, have heard about it on many house church sights and podcasts I finally got a copy for Christmas. Weighing in at a mere 50 pages I decided to conquer it as my first book of the year. The delight came when I…
Book Recommendations
If you haven’t looked before please take a look at my bookshelf located to the right of your screen. I am trying to get a few more books for the year and I am looking for recommendations from you, yes you. I have a good deal of books on my shelf this so far ready…
Through The Bible: The Beginning
This year my Bible reading is off to a rocky start, when I got started with my new Bible, The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version, and enjoying it quite a bit as it is one of those Bibles with almost as many notes as text, Heather started to feel sick and we went to…
A little about me…
I took this from Alan Knox and thought it would be some good light reading in the midst of some of my other heavier stuff. 1. Started your own blog (Working on #2) 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band (Sax in school and Bass in College) 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched…
Why boys should be allowed to play with toy guns | the Daily Mail
From the “We paid money to find out something our grandparents already knew” department. All I can say was at least in this case it was British taxpayers, although we are researching this tripe as well. Why boys should be allowed to play with toy guns | the Daily Mail
My Journey I
Since this blog is subtitled ‘chronicling my life with Christ’ I thought it would be a good idea to actually walk through my experience with Christ. I grew up in a house that didn’t go to church; we went to the mall or in most cases Sunday was the day for my dad and I…
Resolutions (Goals)
It is my plan to set some realistic goals for the new year and hopefully in a year I can look back at this post with pride and say, I accomplished those goals. I have done them using the SMART goal system. Reading the Bible — This is the one I have placed as a…
Back Home again…
Well we are finally back at home from our LONG Christmas break. We spent a few days in WV and a few in PA and what seemed like a few on the road, although it was only half a day (13 hours). We got a chance to start a few traditions for our families Christmas,…
Merry Christmas (Spoilers Enclosed)
Heather and I have been thinking and talking a lot about how we will be handling Christmas in our house. We both grew up hearing and knowing about Santa Clause and my family didn’t focus much on the Christian nature but Heather’s focused a little more about on it. Alora will probably be hearing about…
Thank You Mr. President
Today President Bush signed a bill into law that does several things, but in the end accomplishes more harm than good. First it will begin a phase out of the incandescent light bulb (the ones you are used to) in favor of Compact Fluorescent light bulbs which uses less energy to light a home, however…