Reading The Bible
I have talked about it a little but this is the official post and invitation. I would like everyone I know to read the Bible with me this year. I am slowing down to three chapters a day so I can absorb more and take some time for study. I have added a page (you…
Text and Context
This is actually an add for a conference that is upcoming sponsored by theresurgence.com. I wish I could go but normally they post the highlights on their podcast so at least I will get to listen to them. But if someone wants to send me to the conference I would gladly accept 🙂
Randomality December
If fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom but only the beginning is it analogous to how my relationship with my daughter works, we do operate on fear at some level she obeys because she fears punishment but eventually she will learn what love is and understand that I want what is best…
The Bible is about who?
Much of what we understand about God and Christianity is based on what we believe about the Bible. Most of us have been taught that it is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, or that the Bible is about us. But, it seems more accurate to believe that Jesus is the focus of the Bible…
Why do I watch?
I took the chance to watch ‘Shrek the Halls’ last week and while it was terribly entertaining I can’t help but be upset every time I watch a TV Christmas special and they insist that the “real reason for Christmas” is anything but Christ. Shrek even went as far to say that “Twas the night…
Redeeming Time
Many of us have time that is wasted, like the drive to work sitting and waiting for something. I have done my best to redeem this time by always having a book with me to read (while waiting not driving) and now I have really grabbed onto the idea of podcasts to help me out.…
Looking ahead to the New Year
Almost three years ago I made a new year’s resolution to read the Bible cover to cover I assumed it would take me an entire year, because that is what all the plans I found online say, but it only took me nine months. The following year I asked Dale to Join me and we…
Idolatry in our lives
Romans 1:25 – They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen Someone once said “The opposite of Christianity is not atheism but idolatry” and Mark Driscoll has made the point that because we are created to worship we will worship…
Thanksgiving Today is a day we have traditionally set aside as a day to say thanks to our creator for all the blessing in our lives so here it goes. I am thankful for all the friends I have been given in my life. I am thankful for a job that provides for my family…
The Big Bang Theory
No this isn’t a discussion of string theory or anything by Stephen Hawking, since I am assuming the holiday will slow down traffic here I have decided to write about things that are a little lighter. So, this is a request for everyone to watch what I believe to be the funniest show out this…