Change in Schedule
I have been having trouble posting on my Monday, Friday schedule for various reasons and I still would like to do two posts a week, so I am moving to a Tuesday, Thursday Schedule. This way I will have some time coming off of the weekend to gather my thoughts, although I would really like…
I Am Out of Focus…
I have often said that at times “Christians know how to be friendly, but know little about being friends,” and I believe this to be true especially in my own life. I believe I have found the answer to why, and it is a matter of focus.
Remember, remember the Fifth of November
Remember, remember the Fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot, I know of no reason Why Gunpowder Treason Should ever be forgot. Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t’was his intent To blow up King and Parli’ment. Three-score barrels of powder below To prove old England’s overthrow; By God’s providence he was catch’d With a dark…
Wish List
Just in case you want to buy me anything I thought I would include my wish list
New Look
I would like to get some input on the new look. I have been wanting to change it up a bit for a while but I haven’t had the time to make it look the way I wanted to. So, please let me know what you think of things…
More from the Willow Creek Study
More on Willow Creek’s findings If you don’t know what those findings are please check out my previous post. One thing that was covered in Willow Creeks Key findings page was that the people whose lives are most centered on Christ are those who are most dissatisfied with the church as a whole. I can’t…
Ron Paul would be great
For those of you who don’t know Ron Paul is a congressman from Texas who should be the next US President. This little clip shows you why….
Back in high school we used to start a debate by asking some questions to get people thinking, one of them was if you had to choose one would you choose to be deaf of blind. I was one of the only people who choose blind because I used to love music and it was…
Blowing my Mind — Willowcreek “We were wrong”
I am not trying take this time to bash Willowcreek but I am tipping my hat to them for admitting their errors and continuing to seek God regarding how they are supposed to do things. It is easy when you are one of the most ‘successful’ churches in the country to just put it into…