A ride too far
So Heather and I have been riding bikes for a few weeks now, we started to ride around the neighborhood and in parks. Yesterday we rode our bikes a total of 11 miles which is our longest ride ever. We took a trail through “Three creeks park” which was a 10.5 mile round trip but…
Another Brick in the Wall…
Bricks in the wall Mark Driscoll was just talking about the people who have put bricks in your wall of life and it got me to thinking about how my life has been formed. Basically each brick is a person that has helped to shape you so I have decided to honor some of those…
Random Thoughts
Random thoughts… Why has my daughter gone from only saying “Daddy” to only saying “Mommy?” Who will fill the great void of JK Rowling has left in my life, will it be Christopher Paolini, or R.A. Salvatore, or some other author I have yet to discover? How can D&D be evil and Magic the Gathering…
Good News or Good Advice?
Good News or Good advice? Over the weekend I heard a message by Dr Tim Keller which quite literally kept me awake and really changed me. Tim Keller is one of those men who are so deep and yet so simple at the same time that I am amazed. So, I will finally put some…
Deathly Hallows — Spoilers enclosed therein
I have been devoting all of my spare time since Saturday morning to reading the final installment of the Harry Potter story, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and I just feel the need to get a few things off of my chest about it, if you have not read it yet move on as…
Harry Potter, the NYT and Treason
So the New York Times reviews Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The nature of this review upsets J.K Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. The NYT apologizes for perhaps having spoiled the books for all of the fans. Where is the apology for releasing top secret information about the war on terror? …
Reading through the Bible
Reading through the entire Bible Every year I try to read through the entire Bible, and with the help of some friends I have done it successfully for a few years now. I have been asked many times why I do it but it really comes back to the fact that I believe the Bible,…
Am I a bad American?
Forgive me while I wax political for a moment but I really am sick of the way things are going. There are times when I feel like I am a traitor to my country because I simply think we are past the point of no return. Years ago Professor Alexander Tytler made a statement I…
Random Thoughts
Why is it that all the people who do these concerts to save the planet take their private jets that burn more fuel in one hour than my car does all year? I am a little ashamed that my neighbors have made more active moves to talk to me than I have to them when…
What They Don’t Teach You in Bible College about Youth Ministry #3
The Student that Lived This incident was a very scary one to say the least. I was home, getting ready for bed after a fairly normal youth service, when I received a phone call from Amy, my JR High director. She wanted to let me know that a parent had arrived to pick up her…