Reading the Bible
I am looking to begin a group reading of the Bible in July. I have planned to go through the NT, and take the rest of the year to do it, I know that may seem pretty slow but I am also planning to take time to study things I have questions about, and look…
This is insane!!!
Have we seriously come to the point where any form of physical contact is considered bad? Has anyone see Demolition Man, where they didn’t allow such a thing? The world was turned into a giant wimp world. Kids need to learn how to act properly and simply telling them no does not give them that…
My Contract with America::By Rudy Giuliani
If I only believed it to be true and possible. Townhall.com::My Contract with America::By Rudy Giuliani
Some times old news needs to be revisited…
This is a post from May 20th 2006 just over a year ago and it still means more than most of the things I have said here. The man who was Don
Orphans and Christians
I read a recent article that says there are an estimated 115,000 children in America that are orphans and 65 million evangelical Christians. That is one child for each 565 evangelical Christians in America. Why is this? If “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and…
Friendly but…
Tonight I was reading I timothy, I must confess it has been to long since I have devoted time to God’s word. I am taking my time to absorb it this time as opposed to my competitive eating style. I began in I Timothy but stumbled and had to take some time on v. 5.
Study has interesting things to say about Speaking with Tongues.
Although my view on this topic has changed slightly from the traditional pentecostal stance I do believe that Speaking in other Tongues is a Biblical gift from the Holy Spirit. I think this study is very interesting, you have to get to the third page to really see the neat stuff, the first two are…
Fred Thompson Facts
If you aren’t familiar with Chuck Norris facts then this may not make as much sense but I still think they are true and funny… Fair warning some of them are PG-13 Fred Thompson Facts
Wow, and I thought I was LOST
I have been a fan of Lost since it came out, I enjoy watching it and reading the boards to see what the real geeks have to say and what theories are out there. This person is in a group all their own. If you are into lost you should read this theory it is…
Short but sweet
I have to study for my first mid-term so I don’t have a ton of time but I wanted to put a few thoughts out there for now… If you were young enough to wear a fashion the first time it was popular don’t wear it when it comes back. My prayers may have been…