Songs that define me
As Mr. Chesney says “We all have those songs that somehow stamped our lives, takes us to another place and time.” and I just thought it would be neat to look at mine, maybe they will also be yours, maybe they will make you think of your own. In no particular order but the order…
This is my world
As someone who loves CS Lewis, especially the “Screwtape Letters” and someone who spends some time talking theology on the net I found this to be all to true. The Screwtape Emails
Maybe it is just me, or maybe I expect to much but I just got my syllabus and text book for my first class on Monday and I had a weeks worth of work do to in two days, which was not really a problem as the class was personal finance, something I am somewhat…
Viva Las Vegas
I spent the last few days in Las Vegas with my wife and some friends. So, I am still recovering so to speak. The first night we met up with some friends that had arrived earlier that day and we walked the strip, well we walked from Bally’s to the MGM which was far enough…
An interesting Debate
Is Christianity good for the world? This is the question between an athiest and a Theologeon in this article. I would like to answer this question myself, I believe even outside of Jesus redeeming all of man kind Christianity has done a great deal of good for the world. I of course exlcude those who…
Back to School again….
So I will be starting School again in a few days. I am doing the Ohio Dominican Universities LEAD program, it is a one night a week accelerated program designed for working adults, which is what I need. I don’t have to select classes they are selected for me and I will go through my…
internetmonk.com » John 3:16 and the Importance of the Old Testament
The Internetmonk has a great way of looking at things sometimes and I really liked this in view of some of my recent thoughts about the Bible. internetmonk.com » Blog Archive » John 3:16 and the Importance of the Old Testament
Self Improvement
Some time ago I was forced to attend a Corporate Values training session, for my company. For those of you who have never had the pleasure this is a time when we all get together and share our feelings and learn how to play nice with one another. Ok, it really isn’t all that bad…
That’s it I am moving to Texas
I have said for years that Texas is one of the best states not only because it is only one to still have state pride, but because they tend to just make sense. In the wake of the VT massacre Texas’ Governor Perry has a great answer. MySA.com: State Government
Acts 29 Clarity
Acts 29 is a church planting network lead by Mark Driscoll a pastor at Mars Hill in Seattle. They have come under some fire in the past and even some of my friends have asked me about their beliefs. I found this on their site and just wanted to spread the word so people can…