Fast Day 2
If nothing else I have had some very humbling experiences, which are things I can not get enough of. I talked to three of my friends before my fast and asked them to pray with me. Now I know you may be thinking “Jesus said not to let anyone know about your fasting” which is…
Fast Day One
Today I begin my 3 day fast. Sunday morning I was compelled to do it as I was listening to my Pastor Sunday morning. Basically I haven’t been myself as of late when it comes to Church. Actually I think being on staff really messed me up but I still take all responsibility on myself.…
The Resolutions | TheResurgence
The Resolutions | TheResurgence
Honest Doubts…
Over the weekend watched a special by Derren Brown, a performer who describes his craft as a mixture of magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection and showmanship. In this special he went to several spiritual experts, a Pastor, a spiritualist, a mind-reader, an expert in alien abductions, and pretended to be one of their own. He promised…
Random thoughts…
When the democrats loose an election they complain the people weren’t smart enough to understand them. I guess they just got smarter because I don’t hear that from republicans. How far are we willing to push entertainment in our church services under the guise of bringing people into the church hopefully one day…
Rant warning
OK, so this is the last of my political rants for today. I can’t stand people who will vote against their principles because in one particular issue they like the results. In this case I am talking about the smoking ban in Ohio. Many of the same people who were upset about the Kelo V…
A New Authority
Post modern thinkers in the church are doing their best to deconstruct everything that may have been given to us by modern/American thought processes. One of the things I may need to agree with them on to at least some degree is our view of leadership. Although some postmodern Christians, it seems, would eliminate…
School bans tag, other chase games – CNN.com
No running, Touching or pushing at recess? Any we are spending millions of dollars to find out why our kids are fat? School bans tag, other chase games – CNN.com
Christ In Yall.com Articles – Why Men Dont Go to Church
This article addresses some issues of Men and Church. I found myself some time ago reading Why Men Hate Going to Church and realizing that I don’t know if I would attend a traditional church if I didn’t feel a call of ministry on my life. When I say traditional I don’t mean an old…
How Evangelical Are You? Take the EQ Test.
OK just funny I scored a 95. How Evangelical Are You? Take the EQ Test.