Sad State…
Sometime in the near future in Indonesia three Christians will be executed by firing squad; what is their crime? Attempting to convert Muslim children to Christianity. This shouldn’t be so surprising hey have been here before and Jesus warned us things like this would come again. What makes the issue worse is that at the…
Dreams drifting away.
Wow talk about reading an article that speaks to where you are. As we get older and the dreams of youth seem just as exciting as ever and yet seem less attainable than ever it is a tough time. That is why people go through mid-life crisises. I read a book called the Dream giver…
Real Live Preacher
This is the article that sort of inspired my last post. I think it is well worth the read. Real Live Preacher
My Bible
I am 52 chapters behind, and that number was 81 chapters three days ago. I am part of a group, a small group though it may be, that reads the entire bible twice per year. That is “cover to cover” in six months, 6.5 chapters a day. I hadn’t read in a while and so…
Iceburg Christianity….Part II
Well Dale that is a very good question, and I am so glad you asked. I think that lesson can be learned from a story in Luke 10:38. Luke 10:38-42 (NIV) 38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to…
Iceburg Christianity…
I have always loved this picture and although I think it has been proven to be a doctored photo that does not affect my illustration today. You will notice that in this photo you can only see about 10% of the whole, while the rest would remain unseen under the surface of the water. I…
Stuck in my Head…
I am not a big fan of “worship” music. Todays stuff just doesn’t have the gravitas of some of the old hymns, that I love but the hymns didn’t have the musical quality so hymns redone is about my favorite things. That is all just a side bar because this is a song that I…
Choose this day
Choose this day… I guess I am just a crap or get off the pot kind of guy (never thought you would hear that in a ministry blog huh?), I agree with the Prophet Elijah: 1 Kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if…
What a legacy…
Hebrews 11:4 (NLT) 4 It was by faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did. God accepted Abel’s offering to show that he was a righteous man. And although Abel is long dead, he still speaks to us because of his faith. “All things done for self will past,…
And God answers
OK, so it turns out that God knew what he was doing all along. (who would have guessed?) Alora didn’t have another ear infection, it was just a cold, which she has so graciously passed on to Heather and myself as proof. So she isn’t one of those luck three percent after all.