Church Plants have some advantages…
At risk of sounding like a “review” of a church I wanted to talk about the church we attended over the weekend. Sunday night a few of us went downtown in Columbus to visit Veritas Community Church Heather and I have been looking at becoming involved with the acts29network for some time. I am even…
I Am Out of Focus…
I have often said that at times “Christians know how to be friendly, but know little about being friends,” and I believe this to be true especially in my own life. I believe I have found the answer to why, and it is a matter of focus.
More from the Willow Creek Study
More on Willow Creek’s findings If you don’t know what those findings are please check out my previous post. One thing that was covered in Willow Creeks Key findings page was that the people whose lives are most centered on Christ are those who are most dissatisfied with the church as a whole. I can’t…